8 Signs of a Great Content Marketing Agency

Jul 26, 2016 | Inbound Marketing

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kevin Fouche

8 Signs of a Great Content Marketing Agency

Posted by Kevin Fouche, Pixel Fish Director

Kevin handles the planning, design, launch and training of every website that Pixel Fish creates. He ensures that every website is highly engaging and aligned with our client’s goals. With over 20 years of design and web industry experience to draw upon, Kevin aims to pass on his knowledge to our clients and like-minded businesses wanting to grow their online presence.

Deciding that your business needs to engage a content marketing agency is only the first step in successfully using content marketing to advance your brand. Now, you also need to find the right one for your needs, which can be difficult given that a simple Google search of ‘Content Marketing Agency Australia’ reveals more than 7.8 million results.

To be successful, you need to find a partner whose goals and expertise aligns with your business. And to help you in that regard, here are 8 signs of a great content marketing agency.

1. A Passion for Content

It may seem obvious, but your content marketing agency absolutely needs to prioritise effective content above all else. Don’t fall for the traditional marketing agency that suddenly embraces a new buzzword to stay relevant. Instead, find the agency that loves to write, edit videos, and produce content.

2. A History of Success

Experience matters, even in content marketing. Find an agency that has experience in developing various types of content, which you can find through client portfolios and case studies on the agency’s website. Good content marketers practice what they preach, so their website should give you all the content you need to determine the right fit for your business.

3. A Knack for New Content Types

Content marketing is not a static field. While the basic strategy will rely on written blog posts and long-form content, more contemporary alternatives like explainer videos, info graphics, and social media live streaming can all help to attract and convert your audience. Good content marketing agencies stay ahead of the field by embracing new types of content as they come up to continue delighting target audiences.

4. A Connection with Web Development

A content marketing agency that does not also have the capability to develop a website is a big red flag. The two concepts are inextricably linked, as your website should become the home for most of the content your agency will produce. Web development and SEO expertise should be part of every content marketer’s toolbox.

5. A Strategic Approach

If an agency tells you that the concept is easy and does not require strategic planning, look elsewhere. Content marketing does not lead to immediate results, but requires a careful and strategic approach that builds up your brand profile over time.

6. A Focus on the Audience

Even the best content will not work toward your marketing and business goals if it’s not produced specifically with your target audience in mind. Your content marketing agency should embrace and offer audience analysis and persona development to help you develop a strategy that actually resonates with potential customers.

7. A Knack for Analytics

How do you know whether your marketing efforts will be successful? The answer, particularly in the digital realm: in-depth analytics. Content marketing is inherently measurable, thanks to tools like Google Analytics that allow you to track metrics like page visits, average time on page, bounce rate, and conversions.

Finding a Great Content Marketing Agency that can help you track these metrics, and report the success of its efforts on a regular basis, is crucial in evaluating the ROI of your content marketing strategy.

8. A Willingness to Collaborate

Finally, any effective agency needs to work closely with you to achieve its content marketing goals. While they are experts in the field and concept, they don’t know your business, brand, or audience nearly as well as you do. Only close collaboration between you and your content marketing agency can lead to a strategy and individual tactics that promise success.

Finding a Great Content Marketing Agency for your business is crucial in turning the concept into a successful marketing strategy for your brand. The above criteria help evaluate the right fit; but ultimately, you should personally engage with your agency to ensure that the personalities and business goals fit as well. To get started in that regard, contact us.

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